Whilst the Altcar army training camp situated near to Formby, Southport will be known to a number of brethren I am sure that the “Code’s retreat” and “PODS” are not at all familiar however, following a petition from W.Bro Les Moore, deputy leader of the Doric charity group, the Mark charities have become involved with this project.
Code’s Retreat, named after a previous occupant of the area, is being established with the primary purpose of providing a pleasant, secluded and secure location within a conducive military environment for serving or ex-military personnel. This will enable the swiftest return to duty or smoothest transition to an appropriately skilled and supported civilian life for all wounded, injured or long term sick service personnel irrespective of cause.
The overall project will provide simple and basic living and sleeping accommodation in four Pods with an ablution block together with a fire pit and BBQ area. There will also be a workshop building/area.
Canteen facilities are provided within the camp for the use of personnel staying in the retreat and there are also licensed premises on site.
Four PODS, think of “posh camping”, are being provided which will each accommodate two people (see photographs) all are provided with electricity only other services are provided communally.
Personnel will book in advance to use the retreat which might be only for one night or for longer extended stays.
Whilst situated on the Altcar site the whole project is however not being funded by the MOD but is totally reliant on donations and fund raising activities which have been embraced by the local community.
The Mark charities having considered all of the facts and as stated above are delighted to be part of this very worthwhile project as part of our donations to Military causes.
Discussions with the camp commandant have resulted in our charity funding the purchase of one of the four Pods at a cost of £4500.00. This has now been delivered to site, along with the other three, and work is in hand to build the ablution block and other amenities.
As a result of this gesture the Mark charities were asked if we would wish to name the POD purchased which the Provincial Grand Master has been pleased to do.
Personnel booking in will therefore be accommodated in the “KEYSTONE” POD
A plaque will be presented to the commandant later on, which will show the “keystone” and the fact that the POD was donated by the Mark masons of West Lancashire.
Once the whole site is complete it is intended to have some form of an open day when interested parties may enter the camp to view the facility.
V.W.Bro. Michael J Clarke
Assistant P.G.M.